Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What the "Flip" #3

Champ has a lot of pent up energy/anxiety these day. When you make the slightest motion of play towards him, he trips out and goes into a spin. Theo and I like to see who can make him do "the spin move".

Big Bow

I'm not a huge fan of the big bow fashion for baby girls. But Auntie Em got Cadence this big bow, so she had to wear it. I guess I'll admit that she does look pretty dang cute!

Dec Favorites

Cadence on her new blanket from Aunt Nancy
Luke, Cadence, Arayla & Theo - when the Laffins came home from Oxford to visit

Theo taking me down in our big battle of Chinese Checkers

Our family photo from Christmas Day, taken by Laney.

Victor does not like to hold Cadence, he says "its dangerous". We told him that since it was his first Christmas in America and Cadence's first Christmas, he had to told her.