Tuesday, February 28, 2012

5 Year Old Interview

Theodore turned 5 years old this month.

In celebration of his fifth year, I did an interview with him. If I post the whole interview, I will loose you, so here are just a few of my favorite answers to the questions;

1. Who is your best friend? Josiah & Nathan

1. Who is your role model? My Sister

1. What are your goals in the next year? Ride my bike with no training wheels, ride my skate board

1. What do you want to be when you grow up? Just live in a motor home, drive around and sleep & eat

Friday, February 3, 2012


Our family likes to use a 5 start rating system. We use it for all kinds of stuff but we started using it to help with mine and Jacobs biggest disagreement "how we spend our time".

The conversation will go something like this, Jacob says "hey will got invited to this thing" and I say "fine but how important is it to you that I go"? He will then give me a star rating. Anything 4-5 star usually means I have to go but if we've had a lot going on, then 4s can be negotiable. If its a 3, I can decide my self if I want to go and below a 3 for get it, I'm not going. It really has made this disagreement a little easier to handle and makes it better for me to get out of things, which is what I love to do.

We use it for other things to base priority or rate things like meals, likes & dislikes.

Try implementing this system into your family, its fun.