Wednesday, March 30, 2011

5 Months

The Gopher & The Beaver

I know this is a bad picture but when Theo saw it, he was cracking up. We said that he looked like a beaver & Cadence looked like a Gopher. We laugh every time we see it.

Our Favorite F&E Snacks

These are our favorite treats from Fresh & Easy.

Dad: Fig Bars

Mom: Sweet Onion Cashews

Theo: Honey Wheat Pretzels

Monday, March 21, 2011


I normally wouldn't post a picture of my gut on my blog but this called for it. This is day 6 of my appendectomy wound. Its about a 6 inch incision on my low right side abdomen, with 10 staples and very classy.
I'll give you the short version recap. Last Monday night around 7:30pm I suddenly got a killer stomach ache. By about 1:00am I ruled out food poison and indigestion. By 2:00am I was in the Urgent Care, after being diagnosed with a UTI Infection, that just could not be possible, it was off to the ER around 3:00am. I had an ultrasound & CT scan to reveal that I had an acute appendicitis. I was prepped for surgery and that procedure started around 12:00pm. I spent the night in the hospital and returned home on Wednesday morning.
I am recovering, unable to lift my baby or drive and have had babysitters everyday for me and the kids. I am also anticipating a big fat hospital bill but at least I got this awesome souvenir to remember the event.

Swing Day

Theo loves to swing, and apparently Cady does too. She got to try the swings for the first time. She mostly loved watching her brother next to her.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011