Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Real Men Do Cry

I don't cry that often. In fact, I think I could probably count the times I've cried in the last ten years on my fingers. Not that I think men or adults should not cry I just don't that often, but I cried eight years ago today. It was when Melody walked down the isle to be married to me. It was and is the happiest day of my life by far and I'm am thankful for every one with her since. God has given me a great treasure in her.
I love you, Melody. Happy 8th!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

11 Months

Our baby girl is almost 1! I can't believe it. She is trailing along the furniture, getting ready to walk. And let me say her vocab. is much more then her brothers at this age. Her new word this week is uh-oh.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rainbows - Living Up To The Hipe

You know how when you hear some one talk something up but you're really thinking... ya, right! Well that's how Jacob and I felt about our "flip flop friends". These people talked about how they loved, their flip flops, flip flops are the best... yada, yada, yada. Well the flip flops they were referring to were not your ordinary flip flops, they are RAINBOWS.

Neither of us were flip flop people, we're more of the tennis shoe crowd but on vacation a few years ago in San Clemente (Rainbow Country,) Jacob decides to use some of his "free money" to buy him self and Theo a pair. After his first few wears Jacob cursed the name of rainbow but stuck it out. After his rainbows broke in, he was in heaven and now says they are his most comfortable shoe EVER.

After hearing Jacob sing their praises, I requested a pair for my birthday this year. Now after 2 months and a little discomfort, I too am singing their praises. I've never owned a pair of flip flops like this and the best part about it is they have a life time guarantee.

Now I think, we have to admit that we are part of the "flip flop" crowd, these babies really live up to the hipe.