Friday, April 8, 2011

Rap Music is my Cigarette

Rap music is like my cigarette. I don't like to listen to rap around the kids but I love it. I sneak a hit when I'm by my self and love to listen to it to pump up.

The crude lyrics, bad morals & bad language are just some of the reasons why I won't listen to it around the kids. I've been flipping through the stations in the car when the kids are in there and will stop for a moment when I hear a rap song but then I feel a fart hits me in the face when I think about the kids in the back seat hearing the stench.

I feel like its my cigarette because I just have to sneak it every once in awhile but don't want my kids to know about it. I grew up listening to rap but also realize how dumb it can be. When I hear it I love it and laugh at it but I can't take too much of it. So every once in awhile, I just have to take a hit of it.
So what's your cigarette?


  1. You should hear some of Krystal's mash-ups. They include a nasty rapper rapping to a fun-sounding disney song. You might even be able to play it with the kids in the car. Theo will think it's the Snow White soundtrack, but it will include trashy lyrics.

  2. You crack me up!!! LOL It's like a fart in the face HAHAHAHAHA
