When I was a kid, every Halloween my BFF and I would decorate her house and build our friend Herman. This was the first Halloween that Theo and I build our own Herman. We've had him around for the last couple weeks and its been really nice. He's low maintenance, positive, good company and a great listener. My kind of people. I might just keep him around all year long.
This is me and Amber with Herman, we were probably in junior high here. I don't know why we had to dress up like old ladies, its was just the thing to do. I have a feeling that Theo and I will be building our friend every Halloween. It gives me a great excuse to have my friend around again. Happy Halloween Herman.
This is me and Amber with Herman, we were probably in junior high here. I don't know why we had to dress up like old ladies, its was just the thing to do. I have a feeling that Theo and I will be building our friend every Halloween. It gives me a great excuse to have my friend around again. Happy Halloween Herman.