Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Amazing Water

When Jacob and I started dating I was going through a period of life where I had head aches every day. I had seen the doctor and had been taking motrin constantly. It was so annoying. Jacob said something to me that changed my life, "How much water do you drink"? I drank water very little and thought it was funny that he said that.

Bound to try anything to relieve my head aches, I started drinking water every day. After a few days the head aches stopped. Its was amazing how much better I felt. It started a new way of life for me. Now I start each day with a big glass of water and drink tons of water through out the day.

I recently read about The Water Cure and can't agree with it more. One of the things the Dr. says to do is; take your weight, divide by 2 and convert that amount into ounces. That's the amount of water you should be drinking everyday. I recommend you do it! For me it was no problem but I am now an avid water drinker.

Thank you Jacob for getting me hooked on amazing water!

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I'd mention... we often called Don "Dr. Don" or "Dr. Dad." ~~ something else they have in common! (although Don is not the best water drinker!)
